Celeste Hamilton Dennis solutions journalist
Celeste Hamilton Dennis solutions journalist

Some samples of my creative writing.


His Face

Dad and his girlfriend Diana shared many things as their relationship became more serious: a house in Levittown, her two teenage boys, Dad’s bank accounts.


The box arrived months after my birthday, tattered and misshapen.


Everybody has a tooth story. It was only when I had a tooth story of my own did I realize this.

Still Life With Freckles

​I’m in Mrs. Landman’s 5th grade class and she asks us to take out Health: Focus on You. I’m covered in spots and dots from the top of my forehead down to my big feet.

How Wrestling is Saving My Marriage

“I’m going to wrestle you so hard right now,” my husband Craig says to me.

Love Letters: Levittown, NY

I'll be the first to admit: Our love hasn't always been a Billy Joel song.


You’ll Never Believe What This Woman Did in a Bagel Shop

The giant inflatable Mets mascot looked like somebody had taken a bat to its baseball head.

A Levittown Original

The cards started after Brooke died in June.

If It Comes in Pink I Want It

Stacy. Girl is fine fine.

Find Your Happy Place

It was Father’s Day and Maeve was in Friendly’s.

Everyone’s a Winner

Becky stood in the entrance of Chuck E. Cheese's and waited for the parents who were fed up or didn’t give a shit.